Meets: MWF 8–8:50am in RH 247.
Instructor: Eric Moorhouse, Ross 216, 766-4394.

HW1 (below) is due 5:00pm Wed Oct 12 on WyoCourses.
- Lecture Slides/Videos/Computer sessions
- Syllabus / Policies
- Students and Teachers Working Together (UW policy on the rights and responsibilities of students and teachers)
- UW Policy on Academic Honesty
- You may find some value in my instructional videos, which are about 20 minutes long on average. In particular
- Open and Closed includes a proof of the connectedness of the real line, and intervals in the real line. We sketched this proof during class on Fri Sept 9, omitting the details.
- The previous proof relied on the completeness of the real line, in particular on the existence of suprema and infima for nonempty bounded subsets of the reals. This topic is covered in my earlier video on Foundations for R .
- If you didn't follow everything in the previous video, you might want to look back also at the earlier videos on my list, e.g. about sequences and Cauchy sequences.
- Zorn's Lemma
- Transfinite Induction using ordinals
- HW1 due 5:00pm Wed Oct 12 on WyoCourses
- Separation Properties, including Urysohn's Lemma
- The Tychonoff Plank
- In answer to a question in class on Oct 7: here is a space that is separable but not second countable
- Baire Category Theory will be the topic of lectures on Oct 19 and 21. Links to slides and pre-recorded video lectures are found in the usual place (link under the first bullet point above)
/ revised October, 2022