Bol Loops of Order 16 with Centrum of Size 8

As part of my enumeration of the Bol loops of order 16 with nontrivial centre, here I list just the 19 loops which are non-associative with centrum of size 8. Please see the parent page for notation, including my conventions for naming of loops and table entries. I would appreciate an email message () from you if you have any comments regarding this list.

Three loops in this category have |Z(L)|=1, namely

Also ten loops were found in this category with |Z(L)|=4, namely

The remaining six loops found in this category all have |Z(L)|=2 and so the graph Comm(L) is defined. This graph is displayed as black-on-white (since it has at most 10 edges), and isolated vertices are not displayed.

No. Comm(L) |I(L)|=5 |I(L)|=9 |I(L)|=13
2 1 1, 2 0
83 0 0  

/ revised November, 2001