Seminar Slides
Projective Planes
- Finite Projective Planes, Michigan Technological University
- Embedding Finite Partial Linear Spaces in Finite Projective Planes. RMAC Seminar, CSU, 17 Sept 2004
- On the Complexity of Embedding Configurations in Finite Planes, 19 May 2012
- Construction of Some New Projective Planes
- Finite Projective Planes and their Substructures, RMAC Seminar, CSU, 10 Sept 2010
- Open Problems Concerning Automorphism Groups of Projective Planes, BIRS, 25 April 2011. One of these problems was subsequently solved by Pentilla and myself (see the next item)
- Automorphism Groups of Projective Planes with Arbitrarily Many Point and Line Orbits, RMAC Seminar, CSU, 14 Sept 2012
- Ovoids over Z/mZ. RMAC Seminar, CSU, 26 Sept 2008
- Counting Ovoids in the Triality Quadric, RMAC Seminar, CSU, 12 April 2013
- Octonionic Ovoids, Third Mile High Conference, 15 Aug 2013
Nets and Webs
- p-Ranks of Nets
Derives the p-rank of a 3-net in terms of the left-multiplication group of the corresponding loop.
- Quasigroup Cohomology and p-Ranks of Nets, 3 Mar 2000.
More details from preceding talk, including proofs and cohomological interpretation
- Planes, Nets and Webs, 2005
- Ranks of Webs and Nets, 31 Oct 2004
- Good Packings, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Fall 2001
- Approaching Some Problems in Finite Geometry Through Algebraic Geometry. RICAM, Linz, Austria, 5 May 2006
- The Maslov Index and Covers of Symplectic Dual Polar Graphs, RMAC Seminar, CSU, 17 Feb 2017
- Semifinite Generalized Quadrangles, RMAC Seminar, CSU, 10 Oct 2014
- Partial Spreads and Flocks over Infinite Fields, Normfest, 2009
- Finite Geometry Lectures, Zhejiang University, China, March 2019
- Planes, Nets and Webs
- Planes and their Substructures
- Geometry Beyond the Finite
- Ovoids and Spreads
- p-Ranks
- The LLL Algorithm for Lattices. RMAC Seminar, CSU, 23 Feb 2001
- Transfer Matrix Method. UW Seminar.
Includes the generating function for the p-rank of points versus k-spaces of PG(n,q). This gives the same answer as Hamada's formula but is much more computationally efficient.
- The 2-transitive Complex Hadamard Matrices, 26 Sept 1997
- Deflation in Coxeter Groups, RMAC Seminar, CSU
Graph Theory/Combinatorics
- Two-graphs and skew two-graphs. RMAC Seminar at CSU, Nov 18, 1994
- Colouring the Plane, Ebertfest, Delaware, 2010
- The Alon-Tarsi Conjecture, RMAC Seminar, CSU, 5 Dec 2008
- Two-graphs and finite geometries, Knoxville, 22 Mar 2014
- Some Remarks on Isomorphism Testing, RMAC Seminar, CSU, 6 March 2015
- Double Covers, Hangzhou, 26 Nov 2017. A shorter version was presented at the Prairie Discrete Math Workshop, 4 June 2017
- Cut Distance and Graphons, ACNT Seminar, UW, 2 April 2019
Logic/Set Theory/Topology
- What Can Logic Do For You? University of Denver, 6 April 2012
- Knots. UW, Spring 2006
- Using the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem, a survey of Jiri Matoušek's book by this title. 27 Jan 2006
Quantum Information and Computation
- Quantum Information and Computation. San Diego, Fall 2002.
- UW Math/Physics Seminar on Quantum Information and Computation, Fall 2000
- Computational Complexity using Deterministic, Randomized and Quantum Computers. UW Seminar, 4 Oct 2000.
- Shor's Algorithm for Factorising Large Intergers. UW, 7 Nov 2000
- Public Key Cryptography. UW, 14 Nov 2000
- Error-Correcting Codes. UW, 28 Nov 2000
- Quantum Codes. UW, 4 Dec 2000
- The Kochen-Specker Theorem, UW, Feb 2017
Under Construction
/ revised March, 2017