Nets and Latin Squares of Order 5

Here is an exhaustive list of nets and latin squares of order 5. I realise n=5 is pretty trivial but this site provides a model for the less trivial lists of nets of other small orders.

In addition to my own C++ programs, I have made use of Brendan McKay's graph isomorphism package nauty.

If you are aware of errors or omissions in my list, I would appreciate an email message () from you.

Each isomorphism class of k-net of order 5 is represented by a line in this table, which includes

k; name |Aut. gp.| |Class-preserving Aut. gp.| 5-rank (k−1)-subnets
1a 1206 1206 5 ---
2a 28800 14400 9 1a(2)
3a 600 100 12 2a(3)
3b 72 12 12 2a(3)
4a 800 100 14 3a(4)
5a 2000 100 15 4a(5)
6a 12000 100 15 5a(6)

/ revised April, 2001