Meets: MWF 11–11:50am, Ross 308
Instructor: Eric Moorhouse, Ross 216, 766-4394.

HW2, due Mon Nov 11, is now available below.
- Syllabus / Policies
- Students and Teachers Working Together (UW policy on the rights and responsibilities of students and teachers)
- UW Policy on Academic Honesty
- HW1 due Wed Oct 2. Solutions
- Free groups
- Coxeter-Todd coset enumeration in which we determine the Burnside group B(2,3) of order 27
- GAP free software for symbolic computation with groups etc.
- Sample GAP session from class. I have highlighted my input in red (color not present in original computer session) to improve readability; also I have deleted sections where I mistyped.
- HW2 due Mon Nov 11. Solutions. Oops, looks like I changed convention here by highlighting GAP output in red
- Enumerating the cosets of a subgroup of index 6 in SL(2,Z)
- Two images in the hyperbolic plane: a tessellation by triangles with angles 60, 60 and 45 degrees, and a trivalent tree (acted on by a free subgroup of index 6 in SL(2,Z))
- Introduction to group extensions using group cohomology. I offer also a brief introduction to cohomology which will be helpful if you haven't seen this in a more general context